Microwave oven featuresA multitalented oven
A microwave oven is an indispensable tool in any modern kitchen. It allows preparing tasty and healthy food to support you in your life on the fast lane. Advanced technology makes sure the food is evenly thawed or heated. In addition to microwaves, these appliances also allow cooking with grill or hot air. Thus, a built-in microwave oven can also be used as a conventional oven. Needless to say, they are equally impressive on the outside. They are designed to match the rest of Gorenje's builtin family of appliances.


Bragðmikill matur örbylgjuhitaður af alúð
Inverter-hitunartækni gerir það að verkum að orkan dreifist jafnt í stað þess að ganga í sveiflum. Þannig heldur maturinn samsetningu sinni betur, þar á meðal vítamínum sínum, steinefnum og trefjum. Jöfn hitadreifing er sérlega hentug þegar matur er hitaður upp eða þiðinn og við suðu á vökva. Tíminn við upphitun styttist, sem dregur úr orkunotkun.
_products/features/icon - Stirrer-tækni


Pláss fyrir ofnplötur af öllum stærðum
Með hjálp Stirrer-tækninnar er hægt að setja ofnplötu af venjulegri stærð í örbylgjuofninn. Ofninn endilangur er notaður svo þú getur kvatt hefðbundna snúningsdiska og ójafna hitun. Þar sem örbylgjurnar ferðast jafnt um ofninn er maturinn hitaður jafnt í öllu rýminu. Háþróað örbylgjudreifingarkerfi kemur í veg fyrir að maturinn sé ofeldaður á sumum svæðum og of lítið eldaður á öðrum. Stirrer-tæknin er í boði bæði í örbylgjuofnum með grilli og hefðbundnum örbylgjuofnum.
_products/features/icon - MultiUse


Microwaves, hot air and grill at your disposal
Built-in combined and microwave ovens deliver all the advantages of microwaves, hot air, and grill. The five-level microwave power setting speeds up the cooking process while the hot air makes sure the food is well done. Combined operation, using grill and hot air at the same time, leads to excellent results when cooking large chunks of white meat, while grill and microwave combination will speed up roasting smaller chunks of meat, baking pizzas etc. Built-in microwave oven can also be used as a conventional oven.
_products/features/icon - AquaClean


Einföld hreinsun í dagsins önn
Nú er notast við alveg nýja glerjun í öllum vörulínum nýju Gorenje-ofnanna og því hefur AquaCleanhreinsunareiginleikinn verið bættur til muna. AquaClean veitir frábæra aðstoð við að hreinsa ofninn að innan. Þú þarft bara að hella hálfum lítra af vatni í ofnskúffu og kveikja á AquaClean. Eftir einungis hálftíma má sjá greinilegan mun á yfirborðinu og ofnskúffum og -plötum. Óhreinindi og fita mýkjast upp svo auðveldara er að strjúka þau burt.

Auto menu

Many models have (automatic) menus, i.e. a number of preset programs for even simpler preparation of certain dishes. You select the type of food and enter its weight, and the oven will automatically adjust the power and cooking time accordingly. For all who use a particular procedure often to prepare a favourite dish, the user program memory function will come especially handy. It enables saving the process of preparing a dish and later recalling it by pressing a single button.


Modern sensor technology allows clear and simple touch-control operation of the microwave oven. The oven can simply be locked to prevent unauthorized use. Control surface is perfectly smooth and hence easy to clean.

Easy cleaning

The microwave oven features smooth interior panels made of stainless steel without lips and slots. When cooking with microwaves, the inner walls of the oven remain cool, so they never become encrusted with bits of food or grease. Food can be cooked without adding liquid or fat, which further reduces the risk of the oven becoming dirty. To clean the oven, all you need to do is wipe down the interior with a damp cloth.

Electronic control with precise duplication

Whether your microwave is operated mechanically or electronically, you can always set and adjust the cooking time and programme. Most Gorenje microwave ovens feature electronic controls, which in addition to specifying precise programme and time settings also allow you to prepare a dish in exactly the same way. As food in a microwave is heated-up almost instantly, ensuring a precise duplication of results may be more important or useful than you may think. For example, when heating-up baby food to the exact same temperature every time, or when preparing a favourite dish.

Grill heater – a quick way to crisply browned crust

The grill heater can be used to quickly brown the crust of some dished, making it desirably crisp. In combination with the microwaves, grill can be used for especially fast roasting. Halfway through the cooking process, the oven will warn you that the food should be turned to allow even browning.

Preset programmes and memory function

Several models come with (auto)menus featuring preset recipes to make the preparation of certain dishes even easier. You select on the oven the type of food you want to prepare and enter its weight, and the oven automatically chooses the ideal programme and time for optimal results. The memory function is particularly useful for preparing your favourite dishes: by pressing a single button, the oven will deliver perfect results, every time.

Turntable, trays and grids for optimal results

Integrated turntables are designed to ensure that your food cooks evenly through and through, and are the key to optimal automatic defrosting. In addition to the glass plate there is also a grid for grilling meat, a round enamelled metal tray, and a special baking tray suitable for a variety of dishes – from biscuits to meat – for cooking/baking in convection mode. More sophisticated models also come with a dedicated pizza tray.

Smooth oven door

Simply removable oven door is free of any notches or edges that could harbour dirt, making cleaning quick and easy. Innovative design allows quick and practical removal and cleaning also the space between the glass layers.